My Humble Abode

The illustrious ramblings of an idiosyncratic fellow (Man of Feeling, perhaps?), complete with nonsensical tintinabulations

Saturday, October 07, 2006

SEO and internet marketting

The internet is a wonderful place. Ideas have a direct correspondance to potential income, and knowledge is the foundation for interaction (hence the term 'information superhighway'). However, as the 'net becomes overflooded, what becomes more and more difficult is convincing users that a site is unique, worthwhile, interesting, and original enough to warrant spreading word of mouth, repeat visits, and/or general acceptance.

This problem makes marketting websites incredibly difficult. In a world where there is very likely something to the order of 100 000 different sites under the same category as your new site, how do you convince others that your site is better or different than those 100 000 other sites? When those other sites have been established before you have, how do you convince others to visit your site when they already might have brand-loyalty to another?

It is almost as difficult as dating... which incidentally can also happen online.

There are many websites that offer advice on SEO (search engine optimization), but all of them will tell you the simple truth: content matters more than any 'trick' that you could discover. Though I am certain there are tricks that help place your site higher on the google search list, content will have people coming to your site and continuing to visit it.

So how do you keep that content? Well, that I do not know. But I am trying desperately to find out. I hope to have as much content on my site as possible, I hope to have as much relevant and important information, and basically, I hope to use my brain to its fullest capacity (whatever that is).

I hope that this "fullest capacity" gives me a chance to have a marketable product. Until then, you can visit and judge for yourself.


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