My Humble Abode

The illustrious ramblings of an idiosyncratic fellow (Man of Feeling, perhaps?), complete with nonsensical tintinabulations

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

(8) I'm a loner, I'm a loser, I'm a winner in my mind (8)

The lights dim as the rain drops fall on the dark streets. The camera pans slowly through one of the alleyways, as thunder rips across the sky, shedding blinding light across the lens. A growl is heard in the background, monstrous and gurgling.

The camera cuts to a stray cat rummaging through the garbage. Its tiny meow is heard, barely audible amongst the sounds of the storm. It takes a piece of chicken bigger than its own head and scampers off. The camera tries to follow, but the cat moves too quickly.

As the camera tries to follow, we see the hero, standing with ripped shirt, soaked to the bone. He remains motionless, as if a statue. Except for the faintly visible movement of his chest at each breath, one would indeed think him a statue.

The camera closes up slowly, as if sneaking up behind him. We hear, tired and low, his voice. "The perceptions have changed, and nothing is the same."

Cue lightning and thunder.

"I have chased my demons, killed many. Yet here I stand, in the rain, with no greater knowledge."

Flashback: A little child (our hero in his childhood) playing with toys. A figure, behind in the shadows, watches. Camera pans around the child, lifting up slightly to get a better view of the toys he is playing with. He begins to laugh, but a sharp camera cut (flashcut) leads up to the father, who is the figure in the background. He has a frown plastered on his face, and he, almost in disgust, tells the boy, "you are nothing. Incompetent. How you ever hope to become a man, I'll never know. The real world will eat you up, like a victim."

Flashcut opens up on thunder. We have returned to our hero in the alleyway, and it is hard to tell whether the moisture around his eyes is tears or raindrops. "My sorrow was always your pleasure. I am not the failure that you thought of me. I am not--"

Before he can finish, in the background we hear the cat hissing, and then the sound of crunching bone, followed by a painful sound of the cat being hurt.

Always the hero, he sighs before lunging out into the unknown battle, forever fighting.


Blogger Shannon said...

Hey, is that my sammidge-- oh poo, no it is not. Ah well.

9:41 AM  
Blogger J said...

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2:34 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Stay tuned, same batBlog, same bat... uh... same bat'net??!

5:46 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

Interesting... Every time I search for a quote someone says... I find a blog, usually on blogger, and rarely with the song! :P

9:23 AM  

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