My Humble Abode

The illustrious ramblings of an idiosyncratic fellow (Man of Feeling, perhaps?), complete with nonsensical tintinabulations

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Why is the rain beautiful?

I often contemplate my perceptions... that is, I often wonder why it is that I find the things I do beautiful. Like, how is it that I find the most beautiful visual is a dark city, with black cobblestone, darkened by a rainstorm? Why is it that this setting sticks in my head whenever I want to paint the picture of a hero, is it some sort of archetypical image which speaks to me of an import I do not understand? Is it mere aesthetics, simply something that I find "pretty" and thus merely a function of my tastes?

Yet the rain is a predominate image for me. There is something beautiful, something refreshing and powerful in the rain. Whenever we see a hero, either ripped shirt or shirtless, standing up to the rain, it is an image of power, of survival and pathos... why is rain such a powerful image? I personally find it refreshing to feel the rain dripping down my skin (as long as it isn't a cold drop down my back).

The moisture I think is good on our skin, which can sometimes become dry and parched. So maybe it is just simply a biological desire because I drink too much pop and have a dehydrated body. Perhaps it is the image of the hero, in tears, standing in the rain; you cannot tell which is tears and which is raindrops, and so it is almost like the rain is an eater of sorrow, taking it away, washing it away.

I dunno, will have to think about it some more.


Blogger J said...

mmmmmmm rain and shannon..... :P

3:08 PM  

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