My Humble Abode

The illustrious ramblings of an idiosyncratic fellow (Man of Feeling, perhaps?), complete with nonsensical tintinabulations

Monday, August 16, 2004

(8) Every time it rains, I feel the hold in me (8)

Greetings and salutations, all you faithful readers. I have returned again, same bat time same bat channel, to blog it up. I am currently at ST John in the library computer lab freezin' my na&ds off because of the super-air-conditioner, but otherwise am enjoying the last bit of my stay here trying to soak up university atmosphere. I hope to get into my old regiment sometime soon, return to super-work-ethic-Shannon rather than the semi-slacker that I have been. There are certain moments of non-work that I do appreciate and deem necessary, though, and for those of you who I share these moments with, you know what I'm talkin' about ;) No man is an island, and I cannot pretend like my strength is not a direct function of the compassion and love that others show me.

The world is not shit, it just plays it on tv.

But yeah, I am beginning to get a more positive outlook on life, which is a definite necessity for me. I am not a pillar of strength, but I do want to do very great things with my life, so focusing on positive energy is very important to me. Negative energy, although a part of life which is unavoidable, is something I do not like to spend much time in, unless I am channelling it into positive energy (although I have had little negative energy this weekend, thanks to my wonderful hostess :) )

At any rate, this is just to say thanks for the affection that I have been shown. It will not be forgotten, I keep a tab on the positive things people do :) (I throw out my negative notepad on such things whenever I can, and I have been doing very good at it lately).

Anyway, shine on, everybody.

Now I gotta go get a sammidge.


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