My Humble Abode

The illustrious ramblings of an idiosyncratic fellow (Man of Feeling, perhaps?), complete with nonsensical tintinabulations

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Peel me from the skin...

Greetings and salutations, fellow fans!

I have begun working on a screenplay. I fully intend to finish the manuscript by april 30th, which would put me in the running for a contest in which I can be an apprentice to the man who wrote the screenplay for The Grudge. It would also put me well in advance of the running for the 2005 eerie movie festival, in which I can have my script delivered into the hands of those mighty, curled claws of movie makers (producers, directors, et alia). That would be an opportunity I will meet headfirst, probably with a second script by then (June... which should give me ample time to work on another script, the seeds of which have already been planted in my head, though how strong of a sapling it will make is beyond me).

At any rate, I am moving along quite nicely, I think. My pacing has made at least 10 pages of screenplay, which, at a page-length of 110 pages, will leave me finished in less than 11 days from now (I am currently roughly at page 45..)

Hopefully things will work out. I hope to prepare myself for luck's good graces. I do not want to have it said that luck crossed my path and I was not prepared, such as a director saying "I really like this work, do you have anything else we can see to option?"

I mean... two scripts sold in one night can make a serious cashola increase to a man's bank account!

At any rate, that is roughly all that is new for the week. My crazy old landlord called my parents again, harassment charges will be laid on her, but that's just a story that either you already know or is too long for me to repeat... but if you don't know the story of my crazy landlord, ask me... its a rather interesting story.

At any rate, I will hopefully have something done scriptwize for you all to see made into a movie.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Final Word

For the record, I want to make one thing clear: I have my views, they are not inflexible but there are certain topics it is just stupid and self-destructive to argue me on. People can do what or who they want, there just becomes a point where I have to say "I don't want to see that, keep it to yourself". This is MY perogative, and if anyone doesn't like it, take it elsewhere.

That said, I find it hypocritical when people whose beliefs limit others complain that I am not open minded enough. The only belief I hold that has any controversy is that I believe a person's body and sexuality is private (god forbid!) and shouldn't be flaunted like a new car. I'm not saying people should have to stay in the closet, but I don't want to see people screwing or anyone who I'm not involved with naked, topless, or otherwise revealed.

Again, this is my perogative.

Anyone who debates with me on this issue will see firsthand how much anger and frustration I have accumulated. No, I am not "closed-minded" because I don't want to watch an orgy, nor wish my loved ones to be a part of the activity. This is not being a prude, its called wishing the most out of human dignity. If people disagree with me on what "dignity" entails, so be it... if people truly feel they want to go to an orgy, fine!

But when I say keep it out of my face, I mean keep it out of my face. Do not step on my toes on this one, trust me. I agree with all forms of sexuality, and hell, I believe people should be free to explore their own sexuality... but do NOT turn it into MINE!!! My sexuality is contingent on what I see, so do not force me to see... my sexuality is contingent on where my lover has been, so keep your f---in' hands off while I'm with that person, and keep your f----in' eyes off of anything she wants to show you (be a gentleman for two seconds, slimebuckets, and turn your eyes away if she shows you something... hell, be an UPSTANDING CITIZEN and have the balls to tell me what is going on BEHIND MY BACK).

This topic is one I do not want to recycle. I pray this is the last time I have to write or say these words: keep my sexuality MY OWN! If I choose to have a one-night stand, I will go to YOU. If I choose to have an orgy, I will PURSUE ONE MYSELF. If I wanted to see someone naked, I'd ask them myself. I do not think people should hide from their skin. I believe in CHOICE.

Do not call me a tight-ass because I choose not to see what I do not want to see. Do not say that I have judged harshly, because I have made the only choice I have.

Do not make me say this again; if I don't know you and you bring the subject up, I will point you to this website, to this specific post, and you can read for yourself.

May all those who want to force their sexuality down my throat (and I don't mean that they are a specific sexuality, I mean their sexuality itself... not "I am gay" but "watch me have sex") realize they are confronting my ability to choose. I do not like that.

Shaggy out.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Hello out there

I thought I would update. Don't have much to say, but thought I'd drop a line anyway.

For those who do not understand this concept, for the record, words ARE actions. So I thought I'd let anyone know this, who might be all whiny-gothy-oh-woe-is-me-I'm-in-priviliged-society-and-its-not-cool-to-smile.

There. You can read this and enjoy.

That is all.