The UnEmotional
I have run into an annoying beast. It is one filled to the brim with megalomania. It is one rotten to the core with venereal disease. It is one whose brain-cells have long since festered away under an alcoholic haze. It is the unemotional.
We have all met at least one or two of these creatures. These are those people who are so shallow, so incapable of passion, that they seem to be cartoon cut-outs. They slam the door in your face if you walk too close behind them, because they acknowledge no one else's existence but their own. And, perhaps worse of all their attributes, they are growing in population.
They have been here before. They were the chauvinistic pigs of the early 20th century. The type of guy who looked at a woman and saw a cooking, cleaning, sex-toy instead of a person. Well, I can say that this type of pig is back, no thanks to femininity's glorious sexual "revolution" (that is, now there are chauvinistic women instead of women forced into chauvinism... doubt me, then look to your nearest nightclub, and see if you can avoid finding a woman who loves to be treated as a sexual object instead of a human being... the more degrading, the more she is reduced to a bucket of flesh, a walking corpse, the better). I overheard a man today (I should not call him a man, for he is a boy, but for simplicity sake...) asking a woman, who was showing him some sort of t-shirt costume, "will these be cut up to make the women all slutty?" I wanted to hit him. And worse yet, the woman he was asking this to seemed excited. "YUP!" she exclaimed, in glee.
So, I ask any woman who would like to be treated like an object... if you complain about being hit around like a punching bag... if you complain about being degraded... if you fear the rapist... then WHY DO YOU TREAT YOURSELF LIKE AN ANIMATE OBJECT? Of course you will be beaten if you treat yourself as an object, bowing down to the sexual lusts of a prepubescent loser, whose mother and/or father never had the intelligence to teach him to appreciate women as human beings! Of course your ass will be slapped and you will be barked at if you treat yourself like a blow-up doll!
It is one thing to be promiscuous. Sure, an attraction to sexuality is not only understandable, it is human. I do not understand promiscuity, but I can see where someone who is confused can fall into its trap. But it is one thing to be a whore and another to treat yourself like one! It is one thing to say, "I enjoy sex. Perhaps even a bit too much." It is another to say, "I don't care about character, dignity... just f--- me like a pig, I will even oink for you while making you a sandwidge and licking your feet".
And yes, anyone who is willing to parade themselves as an object is saying all those things explicitly, even if the words do not exit their lips.
I can understand this sort of thing from a child, or a prepubescent teenager. But, to all those bastards out there who think that women should parade out there in ripped up shirts... let me ask you this... why don't I cut you up, and see how sexy you are? Why is it that if a woman wants men to be objects, she's a bitch??? Look in the FREAKIN' MIRROR, you are PIGS! If anyone did to you what you do to others, you'd be appauled and perplexed. You'd cry out to mommy to help you, and to take away the "bad (wo)men" who are trying to turn you into objects.
I hope you get what you dish out, you disgusting pigs.
We have all met at least one or two of these creatures. These are those people who are so shallow, so incapable of passion, that they seem to be cartoon cut-outs. They slam the door in your face if you walk too close behind them, because they acknowledge no one else's existence but their own. And, perhaps worse of all their attributes, they are growing in population.
They have been here before. They were the chauvinistic pigs of the early 20th century. The type of guy who looked at a woman and saw a cooking, cleaning, sex-toy instead of a person. Well, I can say that this type of pig is back, no thanks to femininity's glorious sexual "revolution" (that is, now there are chauvinistic women instead of women forced into chauvinism... doubt me, then look to your nearest nightclub, and see if you can avoid finding a woman who loves to be treated as a sexual object instead of a human being... the more degrading, the more she is reduced to a bucket of flesh, a walking corpse, the better). I overheard a man today (I should not call him a man, for he is a boy, but for simplicity sake...) asking a woman, who was showing him some sort of t-shirt costume, "will these be cut up to make the women all slutty?" I wanted to hit him. And worse yet, the woman he was asking this to seemed excited. "YUP!" she exclaimed, in glee.
So, I ask any woman who would like to be treated like an object... if you complain about being hit around like a punching bag... if you complain about being degraded... if you fear the rapist... then WHY DO YOU TREAT YOURSELF LIKE AN ANIMATE OBJECT? Of course you will be beaten if you treat yourself as an object, bowing down to the sexual lusts of a prepubescent loser, whose mother and/or father never had the intelligence to teach him to appreciate women as human beings! Of course your ass will be slapped and you will be barked at if you treat yourself like a blow-up doll!
It is one thing to be promiscuous. Sure, an attraction to sexuality is not only understandable, it is human. I do not understand promiscuity, but I can see where someone who is confused can fall into its trap. But it is one thing to be a whore and another to treat yourself like one! It is one thing to say, "I enjoy sex. Perhaps even a bit too much." It is another to say, "I don't care about character, dignity... just f--- me like a pig, I will even oink for you while making you a sandwidge and licking your feet".
And yes, anyone who is willing to parade themselves as an object is saying all those things explicitly, even if the words do not exit their lips.
I can understand this sort of thing from a child, or a prepubescent teenager. But, to all those bastards out there who think that women should parade out there in ripped up shirts... let me ask you this... why don't I cut you up, and see how sexy you are? Why is it that if a woman wants men to be objects, she's a bitch??? Look in the FREAKIN' MIRROR, you are PIGS! If anyone did to you what you do to others, you'd be appauled and perplexed. You'd cry out to mommy to help you, and to take away the "bad (wo)men" who are trying to turn you into objects.
I hope you get what you dish out, you disgusting pigs.