A Pause in the Content
At my site, we have been devoted to the goal of encouraging, advocating, and participating in storytelling. However, as is the case when I decided not to continue further in university, the time has ultimately come for me to PARTICIPATE in the art of storytelling. I have been doing this to a certain degree with Monster Intern, but only to a certain extent and with limited marketability.
I have decided to take my own personal storytelling to a new level: production. With the constant movement towards a digital age-- which might be slower than anticipated, but is, in my opinion, inevitable-- I have decided to focus on eBook sales and actual storytelling creation. That is, it is time I moved on from 'personal web page' style short stories (in essence, a simple piece of mind that my stories actually exist) to marketing myself as a product.
I am working on creating eBooks for a variety of markets (including iPod, pda, microsoft reader, psp, etc) and on creating books on cd (of the books that will be published). I hope this will actually allow me to concretize my work as a product, to be able to plan exposure (which is limited by the 'personal space' style of the current site dynamic) and to focus on the business of storytelling-- an aspect of the art, since without readers and without a sold audience, there can be no longevity, no art except self-gratification.
The time has come for me to work harder at creating a product for myself, and I think this will be a venture that will be rewarding, difficult, bloody, and eye-opening.
This means a pause in the content of monsterintern.com, however... the webforum will still be moderated by yours truly, but the content will take a backseat so that I can create product-content for my upcoming eStore.
Will I be successful? Who knows. Will I fail? Only if I give up. Will I immediately become satisfied? Doubtful.. but at least I will know that I gave it my all.
I have decided to take my own personal storytelling to a new level: production. With the constant movement towards a digital age-- which might be slower than anticipated, but is, in my opinion, inevitable-- I have decided to focus on eBook sales and actual storytelling creation. That is, it is time I moved on from 'personal web page' style short stories (in essence, a simple piece of mind that my stories actually exist) to marketing myself as a product.
I am working on creating eBooks for a variety of markets (including iPod, pda, microsoft reader, psp, etc) and on creating books on cd (of the books that will be published). I hope this will actually allow me to concretize my work as a product, to be able to plan exposure (which is limited by the 'personal space' style of the current site dynamic) and to focus on the business of storytelling-- an aspect of the art, since without readers and without a sold audience, there can be no longevity, no art except self-gratification.
The time has come for me to work harder at creating a product for myself, and I think this will be a venture that will be rewarding, difficult, bloody, and eye-opening.
This means a pause in the content of monsterintern.com, however... the webforum will still be moderated by yours truly, but the content will take a backseat so that I can create product-content for my upcoming eStore.
Will I be successful? Who knows. Will I fail? Only if I give up. Will I immediately become satisfied? Doubtful.. but at least I will know that I gave it my all.